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Infuse your classroom practice with the latest research-informed strategies for helping students learn and achieve their highest potential.

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Neuroteach Global Course Features

Transform your teaching with an innovative, flexible approach to understanding how your students’ brains learn, work, and thrive. Every micro-course includes:

Interactive Narrative-Driven Learning

Use research-informed Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) Science of Learning strategies to transform the fictional classrooms and students of Dewey High—right from your phone.


Apply the strategies you’ve learned in each interactive adventure with your own students. Real coaches review your submissions and provide feedback within 72 hours.

Cutting-Edge Research & Field Guides

Neuroteach Global is informed by the expertise and experience of the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning at St. Andrew’s led by the co-authors of Neuroteach. Their research base is embedded into each micro-learning experience, and can be reviewed in a Field Guide that accompanies each micro-course.

User Feedback, Insight, and Mentorship,

In Real Time from Real Teachers

Each virtual experience produces immediate feedback as users answer questions related to student experiences at Dewey High School. Additionally, each micro-course includes two real-world classroom missions; users receive feedback on these missions from master teachers within 72 hours of submission.


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Level I Course Outline

Level I offers 12 micro-courses within its four learning tracks:

Course Syllabi

Teachers as Brain Changers

Classroom Design

Classroom Culture

Course Syllabi

Planning for Forgetting

Practice Made Perfect

Building for Every Brain

Course Syllabi

Learning Made Memorable

The Engaged Brain

Feedback Loops

Course Syllabi

The Science of Study

Thinking Outside the Brain

The Brain at 100%

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